Preoperative Considerations:
Patient Factors
- old age
- compromised cardiac status
- antiplatelet therapy
- Blood Loss
- Duration of surgery
- Urgency of surgery
- Type of anaesthesia GA v RA
- Reduced reserves in view of age and Reduced EF
- Blood Loss
- Pain management
- Labs to be sent ...complete blood counts, serum creatinine, Prothrombin time
- Cardiological optimisation
- Blood products to be kept in hand..PRBC,FFP
- High Risk Consent to be obtained of any preoperative cardiac event and post op ICU care
- Emergency of Surgery to be explained
- Standard Monitoring and invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring
- Two broad gauge cannula
- Good pre oxygenation
- Slow low dose graded induction
- Tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation
- All regional and local anaesthesia to be avoided
- Strict and meticulous fluid replacement more with colloids and blood products if loss is apparent
- Good Analgesia with multimodal approach
- to continue mechanical ventilation until patient is stabilised
- intensive monitoring
- Good pain control